How we perceive ourselves determines our self-worth. You are what you think you are, as the saying goes. In essence, we all create our own reality.
For example, young schoolchildren make new relationships with fellow students based on how they perceive themselves. Furthermore, how smart and capable a student feels will determine how well he or she does in school. If you think you’re smart and capable, you set a high bar for yourself. Your subconscious mind will push you to reach your goals and expectations for yourself. However, if you think you’re an underperforming person, then you will deliberately lower your expectations. Your subconscious mind will make you behave accordingly.
By extension, how you perceive yourself will affect all future aspects of your life: relationships, future jobs, expectations for raises, etc.
Many individual’s problems stem from low self-esteem and confidence. These ideas that a person is “less than” often begin in early childhood. Peers, parents and teachers are often the main factors in helping you determine your self-esteem and confidence.
It’s important to note that in many cases a person’s capabilities are much higher than what she or he may happen to believe.
For example, a young boy may walk out into the hallway at school and run into a group of giggling girls. He may perceive that they are laughing at him. However, the real reason could be that there was comical situation happening behind him. Also, parents who yell “you’re so stupid” to children in frustration may not realize the lasting effect of the statement.
What happens is that all of these perceptions about self-worth are deposited into a person’s subconscious mind without ever being consciously challenged. This is especially true for children who lack the proper tools to filter certain messages and determine their validity.
At some point, a person may realize that they do not have the right amount of self-esteem and confidence. They may decide it’s time to question and challenge their own thoughts when they find they are no longer satisfied.
But simply analyzing your history on your own is not enough to fix the deep-seated thoughts that are in a person’s subconscious. Hypnosis therapy helps remove the negative building blogs that are in a person’s subconscious. Hypnosis communicates with the subconscious mind to inject new and more accurate thoughts about a person in their subconscious mind.
Hypnosis therapy offers an abundance of options for enhancing your self-esteem and confidence. Through subconscious exploration, hypnosis therapy helps you find the root of your self-image problems. Hypnosis alters imprinted ideas while convincing you of the power of your own mind and potential.
The enhancement of self-esteem and confidence through hypnosis therapy has been found to be a powerful tool in solving low self-esteem, lack of motivation, depression, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, phobias and test taking, among other issues.
Do you suffer from debilitating negative self-talk? Did something rattle your self-confidence? Have you been unable to restore your self-esteem and confidence to normal levels on your own? Are you making poor decisions and using alcohol and substance abuse as a Band-Aid for the real problem of low self-esteem?
Please call Alexander’s Los Angeles hypnosis office at (310) 804-8123 to schedule an appointment.